The designed question was related to Intimate experience Your drinking habits Many other notorious activities. NOTE: The test will not include any penetrative or anal sex questions.and MOS means, 'member of the opposite sex.' 1. Wowza just a simple activity that designed to get to know you about the things that are related to your life. This is a purity test designed specifically for straight virgins (those who have not participated in penetrative sex). Once I had my first "adult" relationship and my score dropped a ton without doing anything crazy I knew what they meant. The rice purity test is a simple quiz test that is based on 100 questions which you have to answer in yes or no. Most of my friends and I were all relatively high the ones who had been in a serious relationship were all a lot lower, complaining that just having had sex with reasonable variety in a committed relationship suddenly made you super impure. I do remember it said "member of the opposite/same sex" in the questions and someone asked what if you were gay, and we were all told to treat it as if it had said "member of the preferred/non-preferred sex", which I can see how it "officially" does. At one point during O-Week we all were given the link to go fill it out sometime and talk to each other about. It is encouraged during Rice’s Orientation week as a bonding experience among new students. It was created by Rice University in an attempt to gauge how much college students mature their freshman year. I thought it was some weird URL you had to know. Rice Purity Test is a self-graded survey that attempts to assess one’s supposed purity or innocence. But since I don't remember where or how that's probably not that helpful to you.Įdit: I can see there's a specific site, but I don't think that's where I took it (not sure). I started Rice in 2007 and took the test online during O-Week.